Because There’s
No Space Like Home ®

Welcome To Maid In Space®
Born in the imaginings of NASA scientists, the Maid in Space story begins in Space. NASA created technology to reproduce nature’s perfect sterilized atmosphere inside all manned space flights. Maid in Space brings this vital SPACE CLEAN TECHNOLOGY® into our homes here on Earth.
When we began developing Maid in Space, our top priority was to find effective cleaning sciences and methods that would not harm our customers, their children and pets, our planet, or our maids. We assumed these would be “green” or “natural” products – We were wrong! These products all contain deadly pesticides – and they DO NOT KILL GERMS.
Chemical-free Cleaning
NASA science has provided Space Certified Technologies that eliminate ALL chemical cleaning products – “green,” “natural,” or otherwise. Our technologies transform plain tap water into “Engineered Water,” the strongest and most effective disinfectant available in the world today – 3000 times faster than deadly chlorine bleach – and NO harm to people, pets or our planet.
Maid in Space is proud to be the first residential cleaning company in the World to give the families in my Hometown of Raleigh…

The Seal means its Real!
Don’t Miss your FREE mattress and upholstery disinfection with your First Time Maid in Space Chemical-Free Home Cleaning.